Seared Salmon Niçoise Salad
The Niçoise Salad. The ultimate salad, in my opinion. So many great flavors and textures.
It can be added upon and customized, it can follow the seasons and come from your garden or the farmers market. It can be absolutely everything you need it to be. The epitome of Intuitive Eating. Follow your taste preferences, your energy needs, your emotional needs. Salads like this really can be yours. No calorie measurements. No macros. No judgement. Just crispy, crunchy, tender, creamy, bouncy goodness (lol translation: lettuce, string beans, dressing, salmon, eggs).
So, take my recipe and do with it what you need. Whether that’s cleaning out your fridge before a grocery trip, or thoughtfully entertaining friends al fresco. You’ll love it.
A few recipe notes:
Whip out that cast iron baby. Okay you don’t have to. A regular ole fry-pan will do. But that cast iron will give you the loveliest of sears and can go right into the oven like the champ that it is.
Honest moment here. I wasn’t a huge fan of the mozzarella in this salad. I think next time I would either buy them marinated, do it myself, or omit them altogether. Cheese is definitely not necessary here, and not customary anyway.
Hardboiled eggs should of course be cooked to your preference. If your preference is convenience and you want to buy them already hard boiled, be my guest! Otherwise, may I suggest a jammy egg? A 4 or 5 min egg would be divine. Pictured here is a fully cooked yolk, no run. Just a photoshoot day mistake!
Feel free to pre-chop your salad, rather than serve it family style as I have here. Whatever works for you!
Seared Salmon Niçoise Salad
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium sauce pot, steam or boil potatoes for 10 minutes until just tender (test with a fork). Move to a sheet pan and mix generously with oil, salt and pepper. Roast in the oven until browned with crispy skin, about 20 minutes.
While the potatoes roast, place eggs in room temp water in a single-layer in whatever size pot fits a single-layer (lol, sorry that's the only way I can think to describe it #mombrain). Bring to a boil, uncovered. Once it boils turn off heat, cover and set timer for 4-6 minutes (more time = fully cooked yolk). Remove and cool under running water until safe to handle. Immediately remove the shells, and cut the eggs in half.
In a large cast iron pan, heat 1 tbsp. butter or oil over high heat. While the pan heats, pat the salmon filets completely dry with a paper towel. Salt and pepper each side somewhat generously. Test the pan for readiness by dropping a tiny drip of water into the butter/oil and listen for the sizzle. You want it to sizzle rather ferociously. Place the salmon skin-side down. Let it cook until the salmon turns opaque about half way through the filet. This totally depends on the thickness of the slice, but about 4/5 minutes. Turn oven down to 375 degrees. Flip and continue to sear on the other side for about 2 minutes. Then without touching the salmon and using a hot pad, move the cast iron skillet into the oven and finish cooking for about 7-10 minutes. It should be firm byt bouncy.
While the salmon cooks, go ahead and steam or boil the string beans for 5-7 minutes, or until tender. I like a little crunch on my strings beans in this salad, so I would err on the side of undercooked. Immediately rinse under cold water to stop the cooking.
In a liquid measuring cup, add all of the dressing ingredients together and whisk to combine. While constantly whisking, pour olive oil until it reaches your desired consistency (pourable).
On a large serving plate, arrange all of the ingredients, drizzle dressing over top, garnish with leftover chives and dill, a slice or two of lemon, and enjoy!!
1 lb. young potatoes (I use purple, red, and yellow), washed
4 eggs
1 lb. center cut Atlantic salmon, deboned and sliced into 4 squares
Handful of string beans (hericot verts)
2 heads romaine (I use green and purple), washed and trimmed
Handful of cherry-sized tomatoes (I use a local heirloom variety)
Handful of Castelvetrano olives (those big yummy buttery green ones)
Handful of marinated cheese (feta, mozzarella) or omit this altogether
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon lemon juice
6 chives
Large handful chopped dill
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pinch of salt