Homemade Kefir
SERVES: 2 cups daily | PREP TIME: 2 MIN. | COOK TIME: 24 HR
We had a heck of a winter at the Bravo household last year.
Lila was constantly sick with a cold, which meant that E and I were sick too. Those daycare germs are. no. joke. The silver lining is that it's helped build Lila's immune system. But in an attempt to keep ourselves free from sniffles and suffering this year, we've started making our own Kefir.
Kefir, not to be mistaken for Kiefer, is a fermented milk or water drink that is similar to yogurt in taste but closer to milk in consistency. Because it's fermented, kefir is like kombucha in that it is a probiotic rich (read: gut-friendly) drink. And health starts in the gut, my friends (read more on that here, here, and here). For the last three winters my in-laws have been swearing up and down that kefir is what's kept them cold-free (and recent systematic reviews have reported a positive effect of probiotics in preventing common cold symptoms). So they gave us some of their kefir grains to start making our own, and we're finally getting into a consistent rhythm. We've bought kefir from the grocery store randomly, but it's best if it's a regular staple in your diet during cold & flu season, and it's much cheaper and yummier if made fresh yourself.
It's really pretty easy, and shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes each day to make. You can drink it plain, or mix it with a dash of your favorite 100% fruit juice, our family loves fresh oj or cherry juice. And I'm not being generous when I say that anyone can do it no matter their comfort level in the kitchen. I highly recommend you try it for yourself, so below I've put some links to Amazon so you guys can buy the dehydrated kefir grains and all the tools you'll need to make it at home. If you are vegan, click the water kefir grains link or use milk-alternatives!
Homemade Kefir
SERVES: 2 Cups Daily
In an jar with lid pour milk over kefir grains. Leave the lid slightly ajar and set in a dark corner or cabinet for 24 hours.
24 hours later, pour your milk mixture through a fine mesh strainer to seperate your finished kefir milk from your kefir grains. You'll need to use a spatula to help strain, and if you can't strain directly into a new airtight container, I recommend straining over a batter bowl, or a vessel with a spout for easy pouring.
Pour strained kefir milk into a fresh airtight container and store in the fridge. Drink daily as is, or mix with juice of your choice.
Reusing your kefir grains, repeat steps 1-3 daily.
A fermented Milk drink that can be made dairy-free with coconut milk, or any dairy alterntive. Kefir Water cultures are also available. If you buy the kefir cultures dehydrated, be sure to follow the rehydration instructions first.
2 tbsp. kefir grains
2 cups Milk